Our Line of NKC registered Ladner’s yellow Black Mouth Curs are related to the Southern BMC via what we call the 60/40 yellow side. These dogs are an NKC title registration recognized breed ! Hard hunting, working dogs that are currently working on hogs, cattle, coon; treeing game such as lion and squirrel’s. Our yellow dogs are developed out of our Southern dogs and are related to the foundation of our breeding program!
Ibarra’s Yellow BMC Hunting and Working Nationwide
Ibarra’s Yellow Black Mouth Curs are titled and registered NKC and recognized as a breed at NKC. We don’t believe in bringing outside blood into our breeding program so we developed the yellow side to compliment our SBMC cur dog’s. These dogs have had great success as hardcore working and hunting dogs!

Ibarra’s Yellow BMC are well balanced, athletic cur dogs that can do it all. They come light yellow with a black muzzle and black ears. Males rage from 70-85 lbs. and females from 60-70 lbs. We have sent our dogs to several different states in the USA. they are currently living in several different states to work a large verity of game. Presently our Yellow BMC line is being used for bears, hogs, cattle, coon’s squirrel, and service dogs.
We currently have YBMC dogs working cattle in Sacramento CA, hunting hogs and blood trailing in Jacksonville FL, they are coon hunting in G.A and hog hunt in San Antonio TX. We also have dogs lion hunting in Oregon, and hog hunting in California and working rank cattle in Arizona. Our dogs work in the heat as well as making great fishing buddy’s in The Oregon lakes. We also have one of our line working as a service dog with a family from Tennessee.
Yellow Ladner Black Mouth Curs for Land and Farm

Our Black Mouth Curs start very early and make a great family dog, but they do need to hunt or work cattle! They are a bay up type of dog/tree dog ; they are very fast and have great balance as well as a great nose for blood trail or winding game. Ibarra’s yellow line of dogs are eager to please their master and protective of land, livestock and home.