Personality and Temperament of the Southern BMC; Training Tips & More
Original Southern Black Mouth Curs should be even tempered as well as good around children and protective over them. They are also protective of the entire family and their belongings. Southern Black Mouth Cur temperament and personality is also dependent on the dogs master and training style which requires a firm and experienced alpha trainer. The SBMC may be wary of strangers and can even display aggressive behavior towards those strangers. Southern Black Mouth Curs also have a keen sense of human and animal threats to people and property. They instinctively know when and how to protect what matters most.
Southern BMC dogs are VERY intelligent and can learn just about anything you can teach them. You can expect a natural high level of protection from the SBMC , and because of this a dog should never be trained to be mean. They like to stay close which comes from the desire to protect the pack/family. SBMC’s can be vocal and animated in their actions. Some of our owners find it easy to keep them indoors; especially by the fire in wintertime. The Southern BMC loves to hunt and work; however not to the point where it seems neurotic or drives the owner crazy!

Hunting and Working Style of the Southern BMC
The Southern Black Mouth Cur is one of the most versatile dog breeds in existence today. They can be hunted alone, in pairs or as a pack. They will circle to the left and to the right of the hunter usually making short runs of several hundred yards. Depending on the terrain the dogs will check in every 15-30 minutes until the track is located. A nose to the ground hunter on a cold track or in the car, while winding on a hot track. They are silent hunters that will open up when a hog is located. Our dogs will stop turn and keep the animal bayed up till the hunter arrives. While some may catch or show tendencies to catch!
Southern Dogs Working Cattle, Deer and Other Critters
Southern BMC’s will hunt and find lost cattle; bay and move the cows where needed. They will lead cows wherever they are directed by the master; catch and release break outs. The dog will be only as rough as he needs to be in order to get the job done; no more. It comes instinctively to these amazing dogs with little training.

When tracking deer the Southern Black Mouth Cur works into a circle until the deer is jumped or a hot track is located. They are fully capable of taking down a deer without a shot being fired. If no deer is in the area, the dog will break at about 1/2 mile. The dogs commonly open on hot deer tracks or wounded deer; they will work a cold track until a deer is located. Southern BMC’s will also hunt bear, lion, coon, squirrel, possum, rabbits, and just about anything that moves.
Thank you for visiting our website! If you have questions about Southern Black Mouth Cur temperament and training, or you are interested in one of our dogs give us a call or visit the CONTACT page.
Brian Hanson
Beautiful dogs!
I plan to get one in near future
Looking for big block headed dogs 70 to 90 lb range dark fawn/ reds..
I’m in Iowa don’t see many BMC here.