There is a growing movement of Survivalism in America, and it has everyday working people preparing for all types of possible emergencies and world events. As “Preppers” focus on intense preparation for disruptions in social order and world events, it is non uncommon for them to stockpile supplies and prepare for a world of self-reliance. Some peppers have plans to bug out to remote locations, while others hunker down at home. It is not our aim to be political or take sides on any of these matters, but to provide information about one of the most versatile dog breeds on the planet. The focus of this article is to explain to our readers why we believe the Black Mouth Cur dog is one of the best prepper dog breeds for anyone from homesteaders and ranchers; to all out survivalists. Here are some of the most important considerations for anyone considering a true working and hunting breed fit for a prepper:
From the varied terrain to the animals inhabiting that particular terrain, a true prepper dog must be able to adjust accordingly. Black Mouth Cur dogs are known to live and thrive in all different types of climates and terrain. Cur dogs can be found to the north in places like Canada, and all the way to the southern U.S. in places like Florida and Georgia. BMC’s can work all day in the Texas heat , or scent trail game in thick snow. Black Mouth Cur dogs hunt rugged and Rocky Mountains , as well as deserts and woodlands with ease. Pure BMC dogs have webbed feet which also make them amazing swimmers. A Black Mouth Cur can wind, seek out, find and catch a wide variety of game animals; which may be a huge factor when finding food in any survival situation. It is our belief that there is no more well rounded canine than the BMC.

We cannot understate the importance of intelligence when speaking about the best prepper dog breeds. The ability to learn and obey commands, as well as execute these commands on call by the owner is of the utmost importance in survival situations. A well trained dog is priceless when it comes to hunting and protection; and for this reason any hardcore prepper dog must be intelligent. Our dogs are silent hunters when on the trail with only an occasional chop due to excitement. This can be important when attempting to conceal your location and this also eliminates MANY of the most popular hunting hounds and other dogs that bark when trailing. Black Mouth Cur dogs LOVE a challenge. They will find and figure out new ways to solve problems on a daily basis. They can be taught to do almost anything a dog is capable of doing. When it comes to protecting land, iivestock, and family; an intelligent breed is the only breed that will do.
Black Mouth Cur owners everywhere can attest to the durability of these dogs. Aside from a lifespan that in some cases will exceed 15 years; BMCs have little to NO known health problems. Where other well known breeds fall short with health problems and genetic defects, the Black Mouth Cur just keeps on working. Whether they are on the hunt or on the job, these dogs have a tremendous gas tank and a desire to please. BMC dogs can hunt, herd and guard with the tenacity of a soldier. They will tree or hold an animal at bay indefinitely if they are not pulled off by the owner. Well bred BMC’s have ZERO quit, and ZERO fear when it comes to larger animals or any other threats that may present themselves. When it comes to survival; quit must be removed from any equation. As stated earlier, Black Mouth Cur dogs will not just survive, but thrive in nearly any terrain put in front of them. BMC dogs have amazing athletic ability, balance and speed. They are a medium sized dog ranging from 45-85 lbs. making them large enough to bring down large animals; but easier to feed and maintain than large breeds exceeding 100 lbs. or more.

The X Factor
The X factor for us when it comes to our dogs is the fact that they have been thriving in survival scenarios since the beginning of this country and long beforehand. Our dogs arrived here with the early settlers of this country; and settlers are true preppers to the core. If we remove all of the media hype and propaganda; preppers and survivalists are trying to sustain the ability for a life of self reliance. Preppers and survivalists “prepare” for the unknown. My dog can go out and catch his own food; he stands by my side through thick and thin; and no matter what’s thrown his way he won’t back down. He alerts me to the “unknown” long before it becomes a threat. The Black Mouth Cur is one of the best prepper dog breeds because he is already proven beyond all reasonable doubt in any location or situation, under every catastrophic condition in lean times and good times. He will look after our families and take ownership of our land, as well as providing a very enjoyable and loyal companion until the very end.
If you have questions about Ibarra’s Original Southern Black Mouth Cur dogs or would like to know about some upcoming puppy litters, visit the contact page. Many thanks to all of our readers and visitors; please check back often for more about the amazing original king of the woods BMC.
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