At first glance it’s easy to think that our favorite hunter got his name from the dark black mask and ears we see on so many of our dogs. While there are a wide range of Black Mouth Cur dog’s that have these textbook features, some do not. Additionally, dog breeds like the Mastiff and Rhodesian Ridgeback can also feature black masks and a similar profile. Find out more about Black Mouth Cur history and standards below:
Mr. L.H. Ladner is a well known breeder of the BMC and the man who wrote the standards for the NKC. He stated that the name of the Black Mouth Cur came from the black lips they possess. The lips of the BMC are black because there is no fur to hide the pigmentation of the skin. The black coloring also continues into the roof of the mouth and around the inside; with the exception of the tongue. So in actuality the Black Mouth Cur gets his name from the coloring on the inside of the roof of his mouth and not the outside of his mouth.
It is believed by many that the black skin pigmentation on the BMC helps to prevent sunburn. It makes sense when we think about how many of these dogs live and work in hot climates like the southern United States. Aesthetically the black mask and ears are pleasing to the eye and these are also desired traits of BMC breeders. However some BMC dogs have little to no representation of these features. Weatherford’s Ben himself was one of the more well known Black Mouth Cur stud dogs and did not possess either of these traits (Black Mask and Ears). Weatherford’s Ben line dogs are known to come with and without black masks. This is also common with L.H. Ladner line BMC dogs. It is not a breed standard requirement that the Black Mouth Cur dog has a black mask but it is a preference in many cases.
Black Mouth Cur History

There is written documentation of the Cur dogs in the British Isles all the way back to 920 A.D. These types of cur dogs were identified as:
- The Hunting Cur
- The Guarding Cur
- The Herding Cur
The value placed on the guard dog (W. Callawedd) was worth 24 pence. The value of the kings staghound (W. Gellgi) where gell most likely means a yellow, large and powerful dog; was one pound. The value of the Herding Cur (W. Bugeiligi) was the value of the most important beast in the herd being worked.
For the record; Ibarra’s Original BMC dogs hunt, herd, and guard! They are not wonder dogs, just good honest BMC’s.
Things haven’t changed all that much as even today there are 3 well known types of Black Mouth Cur’s as far as names go. Some of the older breeders are gone now and some of the names have gone with them but today the most commonly encountered family names are:
- J.D. Howard Original Southern Black Mouth Cur
- L.H. Ladner Black Mouth Cur
- Randy Wright Black Mouth Cur Cowdogs
Cur dogs came to America with the original settlers of our country and have continued to be developed all the way to the present day. For example, L.H. Ladner stated that his dogs were native to the Mississippi gulf coast area and have been utilized by the Ladner family for multiple generations. True Black Mouth Cur history is often hard to come by ; just like finding a great breeder. Try to find one that is knowledgable about his lines and honest about his business. Check back often for updates and If you have questions about Ibarra’s line of Black Mouth Curs, or Black Mouth Cur history; give us a call or visit the contact page.
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